These shoes.

Yes they are made for walking but today in a true Spirit-filled moment, I realized they were the reminder that God is walking with ME.

You see, I lost my expensive insoles a couple months ago.  I looked everywhere.  I even prayed asking God to show me where those insoles were.  I’ve had them for 15 years and only wear them when my planter fasciitis flares up.  I was going shopping with my daughter and thought I might need them.  No luck.

Fast forward to yesterday.  I had a bit of a rough day.  You know how sometimes you just say, “God, do you hear me?”  “God, are you there?”

I knew He was there but He wasn’t answering me fast enough. (Can I get an Amen?  🙂  )

This morning I was putting something away in the closet and saw the box of some of my favorite summer tennis shoes.  (Okay.  True confession:  I bought them because Kate Middleton wore this brand and they were only $40.  haha)

This warm feeling came over me.  My heart started racing.  I knew I had to open that box.  And when I did……. there they were.  Those insoles – inside my summer tennis shoes that I put away after vacation!

God waited to have me find those insoles today as a reminder that He is walking with me every day and showing up in big ways in His perfect timing.

I didn’t necessarily need those insoles as much as I needed the lesson of finding them at just the right time.  Thank you, God for always hearing, always being there, always loving and using my tennis shoes to remind me that sometimes they are used for more than just walking.