My name is
Deanna Day Young.
I am a speaker, writer, and author of Extra Hot Fudge Please.

My name is
Deanna Day Young.
I am a speaker, writer, and author of Extra Hot Fudge Please.
To inquire about Deanna speaking at your next event, fill out this form and we will contact you.
Because of my love for decluttering, organizing and all things “presentation,” I feel my calling is to make a difference by helping women find ways to move the spiritual and physical junk out, and bring the joy back into their lives.
Simple example: let’s say you bake a pan of brownies and take to the office pitch-in. You cut the brownies and leave one-third of them in the pan, you put one-third of them on a paper plate and you put the remaining third of the brownies on a dinner plate. Which of the brownies will be eaten first?
The ones on the dinner plate.
They are the same brownies but it’s the presentation that draws people to the dessert.
How does this carry over into life?
The presentation of ourselves, our homes, our hearts, and our hospitality is very important as we look to bring joy into a world filled with junk.
There are simple things we can do to remove what we identify as junk, polish the presentation and create joy for ourselves and those around us in our homes, our hearts and in helping others.
Let me explain further.
We all have junk in our lives – in the physical, mental and spiritual sense. It may be a messy counter, a drawer of accessories you aren’t sure how to wear or lack of confidence in believing you can have joy in your life.
Wherever you find yourself, I would love to speak to your group and help women identify the junk that is holding them back and find the joy to live life to the fullest.
Here are some samples of topics that I can speak about at your organization’s next event. I also love to write new material. I have a treasure box full of additional topics from which you may choose. But if nothing I have meets your needs, I will write something new! A portion of the proceeds from my speaking engagements will be donated back into the Bucket Buddies® mission to provide additional gift buckets to children with life-threatening illnesses.
“Deanna has a gift of using her words, her home, and her creativity to make a difference to those who struggle. And, she shows us all how to do the same.”
Contracting Deanna as our keynote speaker for our 13th Annual Women in Philanthropy Luncheon was a great investment. As Deanna spoke you could feel the energy in the room ramp up with each story or antidote she shared. By the end of her speech, the confidence level of every woman in attendance was raised one notch. Everyone left the event knowing that they had the power to leave a lasting, positive impact upon their community, and they had the tools needed to start their own acts of kindness. Deanna’s address reinvigorated the Women in Philanthropy Luncheon, attendance is up and donations to the Women and Children Fund have increased. Mission accomplished
Deanna is an engaging, passionate speaker who brings great hope and encouragement. Her love for Jesus–and people–shines through. Deanna has a gift of using her words, her home, and her creativity to make a difference to those who struggle. And, she shows us all how to do the same.
Deanna is an amazing speaker with true talent at connecting with individuals of all walks of life. Deanna’s passion and enthusiasm shine through in her presentations that help motivate people to bring out the best in themselves. Her delivery is warm and genuine which is rare to find these days. I would recommend her for any event or program!
Speaking Topics
Home: Decluttering, organizing, and decorating.
Identify ways to implement a system of getting rid of the unwanted things in your home 15 minutes at a time; taking those things you have left and finding the best way to organize them for your needs; and using things you already have or finding low-cost ways to decorate your space to bring warmth and joy into your home.
Holidays: Finding joy in the simple things of the holidays.
Tips to keep the JOY in and the stress out during the holidays by staying organized, starting your planning early and creating less stress for yourself. We will talk about fun ideas for things to do with your children, your friends, and your family to keep Jesus in the middle of it all.
Heart of Hope: Being all that God wants you to be.
The devil wants to throw lots of junk into our lives and make us think God has removed our joy. But nothing could be further from the truth. God wants us to be all that He created us to be. We will look at God’s word to find ways to turn the junk from the chaos of this world into the joy offered from Jesus.
Helping Others: Being intentional with acts of kindness and hospitality.
There are so many ways that we can show kindness and hospitality to others without spending much money. We will identify multiple ways you can make a difference to others in your actions and your home, by showing kindness and hospitality, one act at a time.
Make a Difference to Someone Every Day
My passion is to make a difference to someone every single day through kindness. Whether it is a gift, a card, a smile, or a compliment, acts of kindness make people feel better – both the recipient and the giver. This session will expand on all the ways you can make a difference to someone every day.
We will look at ways you can use your gifts, talents, hobbies, and passion to make a difference to someone who may just need a little “pick me up”. The world can always use more kindness. We will discover ways to be the spark that may just become a kindness revolution around the world!
Be All That You Can Be
What is your passion? What do you want to do but think you can’t do or you don’t have time to do?
This session will help you identify your passions and find ways to set goals and make things happen by doing a little bit at a time. It will also help you find ways to figure out how to eliminate the road blocks that cause you to give up in the middle of your dreams and goals.
Power of a Positive Woman
A woman is a vital part of the family. She fills many roles – taxi driver, doctor, dentist, maid, chef, engineer, and coach. But sometimes these roles and responsibilities can be overwhelming and cause us to become a little crabby.
Being a positive woman doesn’t mean we have to be in a good mood all the time. It means we simply choose to allow God’s power and strength to show through us and make us a positive woman.
We will discuss seven principles that will encourage you to be a positive woman and make a positive difference in the world starting with those around you.
Junk Out…Joy In
Do you declutter and organize and then turn around and wonder how things got so bad again? Do you feel stressed when you can’t put your hands on the things you need right away? Does all of this clutter in your home, your head and your heart keep you from enjoying every day life?
This session will give practical tips on helping to get the clutter and JUNK out of all areas of your life and learning to find ways to bring back the JOY!
Come to the Well
Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well. She was amazed at how much He knew about her. She knew when He offered her water He was referring to something more than what was in that well.
Sometimes we put walls up between us and the Lord and pretend to be something we are not. We become independent thinking we don’t need God. We just go through life as a routine depending on our own power and checking the next thing off the list.
This session will help us break through whatever our “wall” is and realize we need to go to the well for living water and meet Jesus there.
Celebrate Life
We have so many things to celebrate in this life because God is so good to us. With all the negativity in the world, we need to focus on God’s goodness and the work He is doing in our lives. We will identify ways to intentionally look for blessings and learn ways to practice gratitude.
We will also discuss ways to celebrate life and celebrate others by sharing the love of Christ. This includes some practical ways of finding time to incorporate rest and joy into your own life and even finding ways to share that joy so others can celebrate their lives as well. Celebrating life with Jesus will get you excited to go out and change your corner of the world!
Prayer Changes Things
Sometimes we treat God as if it is our world and He just lives in it. We place Him on the back burner and don’t call upon Him until we need Him. But prayer changes things. And not just when we are desperate. Prayer changes things but prayer also changes PEOPLE.
Learn how to depend on prayer during the good and the bad times. Talking with God isn’t just about a wish list but a relationship.
There are many pairs of people in the Bible, such as Jonathan and David, Mary and Martha, Ruth and Naomi, and Esther and Mordacai. Pairs often symbolize balance, harmony, companionship, support and love.
In this session, we will discuss what we can learn from the pairs in the Bible and incorporate into our lives today. We need community, especially the Christian community, to keep us on track in a world that wants to lead us astray. We will identify Timeless examples of things that work to bring Timeless Joy and Peace in our lives.
Do you love to travel?
Do you have a favorite piece of luggage?
Or a favorite overnight bag?
In this session, we will discuss ways to turn your baggage over to the Lord so you can travel life a little lighter. We will use lots of humor and lots of scripture to help you navigate this journey and learn how to unpack and leave the heavy baggage behind in order to have Joy on the journey.
You Choose the Topic
I would love to write a talk specific to your request. I am available for women’s groups, school groups, MOMS groups, any meeting of your organization, church groups, etc. I can adapt my talks to meet your needs.
To inquire about Deanna speaking at your next event, fill out this form and we will contact you.
“She is gifted at effortlessly sharing stories that make you laugh one minute and wipe tears the next, all woven together in a cohesive theme.”
I had the pleasure of hearing the dynamic Deanna Young as the keynote speaker at an annual Women in Philanthropy luncheon. Deanna was engaging from start to finish. She is gifted at effortlessly sharing stories that make you laugh one minute and wipe tears the next, all woven together in a cohesive theme. The women at the luncheon all walked away inspired and uplifted. Her talents would be a great fit for any key note address, breakout session or group gatherings.
Deanna is a dynamic, poised, personal and insightful speaker. She shares vulnerability from her heart and experience and inspires her audience.
Deanna is an exuberant, vivacious, and fun Christian speaker. The 100 women at our event stood to applaud. Her messages were phenomenal!!!
Deanna Young is an inspiring motivational speaker. She is organized and offers personal anecdotes as she speaks. Deanna personalizes her presentations for her different audiences and incorporates meaningful scripture. Deanna is dynamic and purposeful in her delivery, using humor as well as dramatic effect. She is warm, welcoming, appreciative, and creative. Deanna frequently uses props for emphasis. She always prepares for her presentations; she knows how much time she is allotted and familiarizes herself with her audiences. All leave Deanna’s presentations feeling like they have made a lifelong friend, and truly, they have! I’m a little prejudiced because I have known Deanna since she was a child, was her teacher, and have remained a friend. Even if I am biased, I believe everyone can benefit from Deanna’s passion and compassion, her energy and encouragement, and her many inspiring and genuine messages.

Deanna Day Young is the author of Extra Hot Fudge Please daily devotional. She is an inspirational speaker and motivator for all things JOY. She loves helping inspire others to remove physical and spiritual junk from their lives and replace it with joy. She is also the President of Bucket Buddies Mission, Inc., a non-profit she and her husband started in memory of her sister, which is designed to make a difference to children who suffer from life-threatening illnesses by delivering buckets of goodies to children’s hospitals around the country. She and her husband, Roger live in southeast Indiana on their family farm. She has two grown daughters and enjoys traveling, reading, decorating, riding her bike, playing the piano and looking for the simple joys in the everyday adventures of life.