
Hi! I’m so glad you stopped by for a visit.  I thought I would tell you a little about myself so we can get to know each other better.

The mission statement for my life is written on my office in large wall words:  Make a difference to  someone every day.

I live in southeast Indiana on the Young family farm with my husband of 37 years. Roger and I have two grown daughters.

I am a Trademark Paralegal for The Gorilla Glue Company.  I have a degree in Journalism and Speech Communications from Ball State University and a Paralegal Certification from Saint Mary of the Woods College.

*Morgan and I are also Chi Omega sorority sisters!!  Hoot Hoot. *

I am President of Bucket Buddies Mission, Inc. a non-profit that provides gift buckets of goodies to children’s hospitals to make a difference to children suffering from life-threatening illnesses.  Bucket Buddies was created in memory of my sister.  You can read more about Bucket Buddies Mission here.

Below are a few of my favorite things:

Football – Indianapolis Colts and any team that includes a Manning brother!

All things Christmas – decorating, wrapping, watching Christmas movies, baking, gingerbread houses, the nativity etc.

Traveling – we have been blessed to visit all 50 states.  I love vacationing with family and friends!

I love playing the piano, riding my bicycle, walking on a beautiful sunny day, reading, writing, list making and organizing … yes, I am an organization freak!

I am passionate about my speaking ministry  and writing devotions

I have been a Christian since I was 10.  I am a previous women’s ministry director and a current mentor mom for MomCo.  I love reading daily devotions, doing Bible studies, sharing how God is working in my life and helping others see how God is working in theirs.

AND last but not least…… I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! 

Deanna Day Young
9820 N US 421
Osgood, IN  47037
[email protected]