Holidays Galore

Kick Covid to the Curb While You Celebrate and Serve!
Kick Covid to the Curb While You Celebrate and Serve!

It's Thanksgiving and wow......did this pandemic change our year of 2020! Are you having gatherings at your house this year? Has Covid put a halt to Thanksgiving celebrations as you know it? What can you do to get over the "unsettledness" of this year perhaps being...

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Inconvenient Freedom
Inconvenient Freedom

INCONVENIENCE:  noun - trouble or difficulty caused to one's personal requirements or comfort. Have you experienced any "inconvenience" over the last several months?  It seems like during this pandemic, we are now living every day in an inconvenient state. I can't go...

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Breathing in Crisp Joy!
Breathing in Crisp Joy!

Sometimes the need to CONTROL your daily life takes away the JOY of everyday life. I watched a Christmas movie last night where the main female character played a super organized person.  She had routines for everything including morning coffee, healthy breakfast,...

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Easter Egg Hunt of a Different Kind.
Easter Egg Hunt of a Different Kind.

Yellow. Blue. Green. Orange. Plastic. Hard-boiled. Shaped like characters.  Big. Little. Round. Oval. Easter eggs. I love a good Easter egg hunt.  I love coloring eggs and then filling plastic eggs with a dime or a nickel or a piece of candy.  But I always have one...

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Jesus And Peppermint!
Jesus And Peppermint!

I usually do not get political or controversial on my blogs. And I don't expect this to be a start of anything different. I do want to say, though, that the principal in Nebraska who banned candy canes from the classrooms because they were in the shape of J...

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This wreath is more than just a welcome sign as guests enter our home through the garage. It is a statement. We bought the sign years ago when our daughters were younger and I guess I secretly hoped it would encourage our girls to believe in Santa forever. I loved all...

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It’s National Hot Fudge Sundae Day!

Gooey, rich hot fudge dripping off of a scoop... no wait - TWO SCOOPS of mint chocolate chip ice cream.  The fudge just warm enough to melt a little of the ice cream as the mint flavor swirls into the thick richness of the chocolate. HOLY COW........somebody get me a...

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Celebrating Can Be Hard.

Last night I was at a mother-daughter banquet and the program started with a reading that was not the traditional "mothers are....." reading.  It was read by a gal who is not yet a mother and who lost hers a few years ago in an accident.  It was a very brave reading....

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Where’s Bronco?

Elf on the Shelf is such a popular tradition with children these days.  The tradition as we know it now wasn't around when my girls were little (or if it was I didn't know about it).  I have wanted to do it for a few years but obviously I don't have little kids...

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