Good News. Bad News.

“I have good news and I have bad news.  Which do you want first?”

I’m sure you’ve been asked this question and have done the asking many times.  Then we ponder.   Some people want the bad news first so they can get it out of the way and end the conversation with the good news.

Others want to start with the good news in hopes people forget about the bad news. Sometimes the good news and the bad news go hand in hand and the good news far outweighs the bad news.

Over 2,000 years ago there were shepherds in the field just doing their job and an angel appeared to them and announced, “I have good news!”  Bad news is….they were scared to death.  But the good news followed.  “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you.  He is Christ the Lord.”

That was good news then and it is good news now.  Jesus IS the Good News.  Don’t let the bad news of all the evil in the world  get you bogged down.  Jesus is good news.   Trust Him and have that good news in your heart to share with others every day.  I don’t want any bad news…just give me the Good News!