Helping Hands

How Can You Not See God?
How Can You Not See God?

I don’t get it. How can people deny there is a God? How can people not realize God created all of this nature around us? No big boom or lab could have done all of this all over the world every year! It’s God, friends!He is everywhere.He is in the middle of it all!...

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Forward Thinking…And Acting…
Forward Thinking…And Acting…

Today is National Pay It Forward Day!   No kidding. There's a national holiday designated for every single day of the year and today is a great one to celebrate!   I am writing this late on National Pay It Forward Day so I am hoping you will still allow yourself to...

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What If?
What If?

What If...... As children, and I must admit even as an adult, I sometimes dream about "what if's". Maybe you do as well. Maybe your what if's are as grandeur as living in a mansion on a beautiful hillside to as small as reorganizing your living room. I dare say that...

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What’s the Use?
What’s the Use?

Have you ever asked yourself that question?  "What's the use?" You pick up the house and in 15 minutes the kids have dragged toys everywhere. You do the dishes only to find more stacked in the sink. You wash and fold the towels, only to find the hamper full again. Or...

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What Can We Do With Our Little Hands & Feet?
What Can We Do With Our Little Hands & Feet?

Did you ever stand on your daddy’s or mommy’s feet when you were little, holding their hands and allowing them to walk you around the room?   Maybe you were outside, and their feet guided your little feet around the playground. Or maybe you were on a dance floor and...

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Give A Little Gift!
Give A Little Gift!

It's Giving Tuesday! If you are looking for a worthy cause in which to donate, I invite you to consider Bucket Buddies Mission.  This is the non-profit we created in honor of my sister who passed away from cancer in 2014. Bucket Buddies is designed to make a...

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From Stinky to Fragrant.
From Stinky to Fragrant.

"The brokenness of the world does not begin with systems, but with the human heart.” - Kyle Idelman, Pastor, Louisville, KY Let that soak in. Read it again. “The brokenness of the world does not begin with systems, but with the human heart.” Today’s politics are a...

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Positive Polly or Negative Ned?
Positive Polly or Negative Ned?

That new haircut looks great on you. Good job for making your bed today. Thanks for cleaning off the table after dinner. Why do you never listen to what I say?! Get your lazy self off the couch and do something productive. How come you can never do anything right?...

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What’s For Dinner……..Again?
What’s For Dinner……..Again?

Oh the infamous question that plagues us each night?  What's for dinner? I was thinking about the story of Jesus and his disciples having to figure out what was for dinner when they only had a couple fish and a few pieces of bread and a whole hillside full of people! ...

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