Did you ever stand on your daddy’s or mommy’s feet when you were little, holding their hands and allowing them to walk you around the room?
Maybe you were outside, and their feet guided your little feet around the playground. Or maybe you were on a dance floor and your dress shoes fit perfectly on top of theirs as they swayed to the beat of the music. Or maybe it was just barefoot to barefoot around the couch in the living room.
I remember doing those guided steps with our girls when they were little. Giggles would erupt as we took bigger steps than their normal stride all the while lifting their little bodies with our feet and guiding their arms back and forth in clasped hands.
They felt safe in our grip. They were giddy with excitement not really knowing where we were taking them, and they loved the fact that we were in control of their next step.
I was just thinking about those fun times this morning as I reflected on our church’s mission statement of Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus.
If we think about this same childhood concept of standing on our parents’ feet and turn it to allowing Jesus to direct our paths and open doors for us to have opportunities to show love to others, how exciting it will be to get to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
He may lead us to help our neighbor buy groceries so they don’t have to go out during the pandemic.
He may guide us to take dinner to the overworked healthcare provider who lives in our neighborhood.
He may give us the privilege of buying needed items for the domestic violence or homeless shelters in our community or send cards to residents in the local nursing home.
He may stir up excitement in us to deliver coffee and donuts to the police and fire departments down the street or pass out a single carnation to nurses as they leave the hospital.
I don’t know what cool things He may have in store for us to do, but what I do know is that He can stir up the excitement of a child in our hearts if we take each opportunity to act as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Let’s start today by asking Him to show us where His feet are leading ours.