Today is Someday.

Today is Someday.

There’s a lot of miles between today and someday. Someday I will take that vacation. Someday I will write that book. Someday I will look for a job I love. Someday I will make time to play barbies with my daughter. Someday I will start exercising more. It’s like a gas...
Total Eclipse for the Heart of Jesus

Total Eclipse for the Heart of Jesus

It’s like a Total Eclipse of the Heart. 😊(*Lyrics courtesy of Bonnie Tyler) So many things about this day. The path of totality.The eclipse.So many questions.So many what if’s.So many things to think about.We, in southeast Indiana, are right on the cusp of totality....
Do It Scared!

Do It Scared!

I did it. It may not seem like a big deal to most people. And 5 months ago I didn’t even take this as a challenge. It was the easy route. But yesterday, on my 59th birthday, as silly as it sounds, I stood at the start of the Bilby Loop and said, “let’s do this.” It...
Keeping Busy

Keeping Busy

It was the title of one of my recent devotions. Those two words carry a lot of weight. Almost a burden of weight. The world today convinces us that busyness and productivity equal our worth. But that’s not true. I lived that way for years. I was held almost “hostage”...
How Can You Not See God?

How Can You Not See God?

I don’t get it. How can people deny there is a God? How can people not realize God created all of this nature around us? No big boom or lab could have done all of this all over the world every year! It’s God, friends!He is everywhere.He is in the middle of it all!...