Hopeful Hearts

Polka Dots and Puddles

*Reprinted from 2014.  I love umbrellas and rain boots and thought today was a good day to re-read this blog from 2014.   🙂 My husband is the little meteorologist in our family. Since he farms and his livelihood depends a lot on the weather, he is checking for rain...

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Peace In the Pasture

Reprinted from Extra Hot Fudge Please. *I love the message and the peace God gave to me on the day I wrote this in 2014.  I hope you don't mind me sharing it again. The other day I was driving to work down a side road and there were baby calves running and chasing...

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Xylophone Melody

SMILE if you remember these? I used to love my little xylophone.  As a toddler it was just about banging on the metal pieces because it made a sound.  As a young child it became about trying to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  As I grew older and the bent metal...

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Up, Up and Away!

The balloons are released at the start of the 5K.  Up, Up and Away!! The airplane taxis down the runway and slowly ascends to the skies to a tropical destination. Up, Up and Away!! The tethers from the hot air balloon are released.  Up, Up and Away!! My mind wanders...

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You May Not Understand

About a year ago I felt God telling me to bring Natalie Grant to our little town.  Not just have a Christian concert... but bring Natalie Grant to town.  I remember thinking, "this cannot be what God wants.  It's just too big."  I ignored it.  A few months later, I...

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Have you ever played this game?  Whack-a-Mole?  You seriously just keep pounding these moles back down into their hole with a big ole hammer and they keep popping their ugly heads up and you have to keep on pounding them back down.  It can be intense, frustrating and...

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