The latest on the blog

It’s All Because of …
It’s All Because of …

"It's all because of covid." How many times have we had to say this over the last 22 months? Everything changed because of covid. Some things got better. Like, some learned how to be more efficient by eliminating travel and using zoom and other video programs for...

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Tender Hands……..
Tender Hands……..

They hold infants. They help babies crawl. They shoot basketballs. They climb monkey bars. They play the piano. They paint a masterpiece. They drive a car. They text on a phone. They write term papers. They wear wedding rings. They hold a child's finger. They point....

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Can a Loss Be a Win?
Can a Loss Be a Win?

There's more to life than a football win. Hard to say when your team just lost to the worst team in the NFL crushing the playoff dreams and bringing the season to a screeching halt! All they had to do was win one of the last 2 games. And the last game was against a...

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A Beating Heart
A Beating Heart

When she said "da da" for the first time, his melted. When he got on the kindergarten bus, hers skipped a beat. When she said yes to the prom, she stole his. When he said, "you may kiss your bride", his stopped a second. When he hit the winning shot, hers swelled with...

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Expect the Unexpected.
Expect the Unexpected.

Expectation. Anticipation. Exhaustion. These are three words that I think we all feel during the Christmas season. We create expectations of ourselves, and others, based on what we see on TV or social media or in the $18 magazines calling our names at the checkout...

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Join the Fun of Handling the Holidays with JOY!
Join the Fun of Handling the Holidays with JOY!

Hey, Friends!! Join me Monday, December 6 at 8:00 PM EST for a free one-hour session on Handling the Holidays with JOY. How do you join? You have two options:  Go to the private Facebook group, “Handling the Holidays with JOY”. Answer the 3 questions and request to...

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Celebrating Veterans From the Comfort of Our Own Freedom.
Celebrating Veterans From the Comfort of Our Own Freedom.

I am so thankful for my Veteran Father-in-Law, Syalvester Young, and his service to our country. A HUGE THANK YOU to all veterans and those actively serving in our military.   The older I get, the more emotional I get during this time of reflection as I think about...

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Are You Where Your Feet Are?
Are You Where Your Feet Are?

"Be where your feet are." This sentence seems to be a given.   Like seriously, could I be anywhere else except where my feet are?   I can't be in the kitchen when my feet are in the living room.  I can't be outside when my feet are inside.  I can't be in...

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These Shoes Were Made for (More Than) Walkin’
These Shoes Were Made for (More Than) Walkin’

These shoes. Yes they are made for walking but today in a true Spirit-filled moment, I realized they were the reminder that God is walking with ME. You see, I lost my expensive insoles a couple months ago.  I looked everywhere.  I even prayed asking God to show me...

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