I am so thankful for my Veteran Father-in-Law, Syalvester Young, and his service to our country. A HUGE THANK YOU to all veterans and those actively serving in our military.
The older I get, the more emotional I get during this time of reflection as I think about the sacrifices made by those who serve and have served in our armed forces. Sacrifices including family, friends, emotional, mental and the physical sacrifice.
I feel so spoiled as I get sad just when I can’t see my daughters on their birthdays!!
These soldiers don’t have a choice when they get to come home. They have to miss birthdays, weddings, Fourth of July parties and sometimes even the birth of their children.
Mommas don’t get to give a hug to their solider on their birthday or watch them open their Christmas gift around the decorated tree.
Wives fix Thanksgiving dinner leaving the chair empty for one less place setting.
The pit in the stomach of family members and friends as they worry about their loved ones cannot even be explained.
The pain and suffering of those who served can stay with them as a daily reminder of their service.
I am embarrassed I didn’t appreciate these sacrifices sooner, but I am so thankful God opened my eyes several years ago to all the sacrifices of those who have served and are currently servicing so that we can experience the true meaning of what freedom really is and what it costs for us to have it.
Join me as we remember and appreciate all of these sacrifices – especially on the days when we get angry because things don’t go our way; we burn the cookies or our mashed potatoes are lumpy. Our kids get a note from school or the Christmas tree lights won’t come on. ????
A wink, a song and a prayer goes out to all Soldiers, past and present, who represent and sacrifice for our country on this very special Veteran’s Day.