There’s more to life than a football win.

Hard to say when your team just lost to the worst team in the NFL crushing the playoff dreams and bringing the season to a screeching halt!

All they had to do was win one of the last 2 games. And the last game was against a team that had only won 2 games all year!  Two!  And we couldn’t do it.

I was so frustrated with being a Colts fan yesterday.

And I don’t like Carson Wentz as a Quarterback.

There I said it.  (Please read on……..)  🙂

I don’t like Carson Wentz as a QB.  I know.  I know.  He’s a good Christian man.  When I have said it to my friends, they all say, “But Deanna!  He’s a Christian.”  To which I respond, “I’m glad he’s a Christian but I don’t like him as a QB.”

But this morning while still pouting over the loss and letting the devil have a hay day with my competitive spirit, the Lord nudged me.

“What if I brought Carson Wentz to the Colts to be more than a quarterback?”

Gut punch.

True.  What if God brought Carson Wentz to work alongside the great, outspoken Christian, Coach Frank Reich to help even one player, coach, staff member, GM or owner to know Jesus?  What if God didn’t really care about the playoffs and the actual football game but cared more about heaven and the actual football players?

Wow.  That hit me hard.  It’s a game.  My little life in southeast Indiana will go on the same whether the Colts go to the playoffs or not.  Carson, Frank and the boys don’t care if I’m pouting.  But my witness and my chance to advance the kingdom of God does affect my everyday life.

And for that, I learned a valuable lesson.  This armchair quarterback can’t throw a football more than 3 yards so who am I to criticize.  But I can use a simple game with a simple plan to share Christ.

So to Carson, Frank and the team, I’m sorry for being angry.   And to the good Lord above, Your plan is always better than mine.  🙂

Romans 8:28 – All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8, For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.