Hopeful Hearts
Toothpaste Words.
Have you ever squeezed the toothpaste too much and all that white glob spills over the sides of the toothbrush? I try to prop it back on top of the brush only to leave it oozing down the side again. I think, "it will be okay. This isn't that much toothpaste." I...
The Wooden Bench.
There's one outside the local barber shop to catch up on today's gossip. There's one at the bus stop to take a load off during the wait. There's a few scattered around the reservoir to rest during exercise. There's one on the front porch and another on the back....
That’s It. I’m Done.
I give up. I give in. Toxic out. You win. I am on Day 10 of a 10-day body detox program. I've fought it for several years. My holistic nurse has said she thought the detox could get rid of the toxins in my body, help me physically feel better, jump start my weight...
The Pause.
"If you want to get a child's attention the most powerful tool is...............the pause." Quite a powerful sentence from someone I quote a lot....Vanessa from the television show "Last Man Standing". hahhaha How true it is not only for children but for adults too! ...
Subtle Semi Saying!
"Everything is subject to change." A message strategically placed on a semi. The italicized words in black against the white background caught my eye. Everything is subject to change. It stirred something inside of me. Like a myriad of crazy emotions. Almost like...
You’re Gonna Need Shades!
I was heading to the outside garage at our home that is not attached to our house. It is the shelter for two vehicles, the lawn mower and some Christmas decorations along with one side that is finished and serves as our home offices. As I stepped from my house into...
It Means A Lot To Always Remember…
I had a wise man tell me 25 years ago at a funeral of a friend "it's not only now those left behind need you but they will also need you 6 months or 2 years from now." I've never forgotten that. It's natural that after a while, people go back to their everyday...
Sneaky Little Devil.
Years ago, my husband and his buddies would go to Myrtle Beach every year on a golfing trip - or rather golfing adventure. (The older they got the more adventure there was!) He always took Brachs® Nut Goodie®candies to munch on while playing. One year while golfing,...
Setbacks, Setups and Smiles!
"What looked like a setback was really a setup for God to do something greater in Paul's life." - Excerpt from Joel Osteen's book You Can. You Will. (c) 2014 Do you ever feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps backward? You get the bills all caught...