Hold, Please!

Hold, Please!

Soft music. Tapping of fingers. Neck and shoulder in sandwich pose. Phone receiver disguised as the meat. Labored breathing. Anger rising. Sound familiar to anyone?  That’s a description of the portion of my day yesterday while waiting on hold with a software...

God’s Plans or My Plans?

“Your loving Father has a specific agenda for your career, ministry, finances and family – a good and satisfying plan that graciously involves you in the vast purposes of His kingdom.  And these plans – God’s plans – will be more...
Take A Break!

Take A Break!

Mowing. Trimming. Raking. Tugging. Pulling. Weeding. Planting. Watering. Mulching. Sweating. Sitting. Resting. Taking care of lawns and landscaping is hard work.  Especially when it is so hot during the summer months.  And then if you’re like me, you try to fit...