by Deanna Young | Feb 19, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Today’s Make A Difference Challenge is to grab a friend and take them to the movies on your dime. Maybe even buy some popcorn and candy to share! Let’s go change the world one act of kindness at a time.
by Deanna Young | Feb 18, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Forgiveness. Awwww – what a powerful word. And a hard word. That brings so many questions. How do we forgive? What if the person doesn’t want forgiveness? How can I forgive if I don’t want to forgive? What if I forgive but the person doesn’t...
by Deanna Young | Feb 17, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Today is the last day of Random Acts of Kindness Week so let’s do SOMETHING BIG!! *Of course we will continue Make A Difference Month for the rest of the month of February and hopefully our kindness journey will continue for a very long time past that. 🙂 What...
by Deanna Young | Feb 16, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Cancer. Addiction. Surgery. Loneliness. Divorce. Children. Parents. Friendships. War. Terrorism. School. Hospital. Jail. Driving. Flying. Fighting. Everyone has something. That’s why all prayers are appreciated. Even if you don’t know the issue, God...
by Deanna Young | Feb 15, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
He held the door for me as I exited the restaurant. I gave the customary “thank you”. But something inside me tugged at my heart to go deeper. “Thank you for your service,” I said to the gentlemen holding the door proudly wearing his Army...