Butterscotch, Cherry or Humble Pie?

Butterscotch, Cherry or Humble Pie?

My mother-in-law used to make the best butterscotch pie in the world! We would always “fight” over who would get the last piece. Butterscotch is my favorite flavor of pie. Whether your favorite pie is cherry, butterscotch, apple or peach, the worst kind of...
What’s It Gonna Be?

What’s It Gonna Be?

I don’t really like making decisions of where to eat or what to do for fun if I am making it to include other people. I guess I worry too much about not making someone happy. Even my husband will say, “You decide where we eat”. I just don’t...
A Driving Display

A Driving Display

I read a fictional story the other day about a lady who got stopped by a police officer while driving to work. She was visibly upset and confused as to why she was handcuffed and arrested. After spending a few hours in jail, the police officer released her with an...
Peace for the Path

Peace for the Path

I have this Peace sign set up for Christmas next to the Santa my mother-in-law made years ago. The Santa always brings a smile to my face as I remember her. The PEACE sign was purchased years ago because I thought it was cool and the word just brings …..well…. Peace....