It’s Saturday.
The day after Good Friday and the day before Easter.
If we think about this day over 2,000 years ago it was one of the saddest and heart-wrenching days ever. I think about the friends of Jesus and how sad they were because I, too have experienced the death of friends.
I think about the siblings of Jesus and their sadness because I have experienced the loss of a sister.
And then I think about the mother of Jesus. The sick, sad, gut-wrenching pain she felt. Fortunately I have never lost a child but the sickness, grief and empathy I feel for Mary as the mother of Jesus almost paralyzes me.
The day after the crucifixion and the day before the resurrection had to be horrible. Just an awful “Saturday” of grief!
BUT they didn’t really understand that Sunday was coming. They didn’t really know what the day after Saturday really meant; how that day after Saturday would change the entire world forever.
That’s why this Saturday in 2021, I have hope. I have peace. I have salvation- a relationship with the risen Lord. Yes RISEN.
He is alive and during this season when we remember the sacrifice and the grief and the sadness, we also remember the resurrection, the hope and the promise of eternity in heaven.
If you don’t have this peace or understand the hope that I reference, I would love to share it with you. Jesus is Alive and this promise of eternity makes this Saturday a day of celebration because we know that Sunday is coming!!