Have you been walking the same old road for miles and miles?

Do you keep taking the same path hoping to end up at a different spot?

Are you doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result?

I know there have been times I have.

The wind was out of my sail.

Maybe we get bored.

Maybe we are lazy.

Maybe we are stubborn.

But I’m here to tell you that NOTHING will change when we keep doing the same thing over and over again.

If we want change, we have to be intentional.

If we want to lose weight and nothing is working, then switch it up a bit. Maybe we walk a little further; change the workout we do; cut out more sugar and add more veggies. If it seems hard but we want the result, then keep going.

If we want our marriage to get better, quit waiting on the other one to change. Reflect inwardly and see if we can be a little kinder, do intentional acts of kindness for our spouse. Maybe we need to carve out more time to spend together. If it seems awkward and we want things to get better, push through it.

Maybe we feel like we just can’t get ahead financially. Maybe we have a dream vacation in mind, but we don’t seem to be able to increase that savings. How bad do we want it? We need to ask ourselves a few questions. What could we cut out that is unnecessary? Maybe our every morning fancy coffee run. Maybe it’s our scrolling through social media and amazon to find the deal of the day. Maybe it’s FOMO (fear of missing out) so we get the latest and greatest gadgets and phones and cars because we think we need to have it.

If we have lost our JOY, we must be intentional about finding it. And although we have lots of tips of how to lose weight, save our marriage, make more money, the only true thing that will bring us JOY is Jesus. And to know Him is to be INTENTIONAL. He won’t just flop down in our heart and make Himself at home. We can’t keep walking down the same road, taking the same path, doing the same things, being lazy or stubborn. Put pride to the side. Put self to the side. Call out to Jesus.

Ask Him for help.

Ask Him to put the wind back in the sail.

Ask Him to restore the JOY that comes by following Him.

Ask Him to help you get yourself back on track, to do the right things, to love through the relationships, to honor the finances and gifts He has given us.

Yes we have a lot of tools and a lot of things we can change to get better but the only One who can bring us JOY is Jesus.

And the only thing that will bring us JOY is walking His road, staying on His path and doing His will.

Who’s ready to come with me and make a change?