So many of us live our lives with the what if’s.

We buy lots of insurance for the “what if’s”.

We buy all of the extra warranties to protect the $15 purchase.

We take extra food and extra water for an hour-long trip because “what if we get in traffic and get hungry”. 😃 (This is definitely me!)

Covid had us “what if’ing” to the max:

Excessive amounts of stored toilet paper.

Massive amounts of canned foods.

Hoards of sanitizer wipes and peroxide.

The majority of the what if’s in our lives never happen. I am the last person to tell you NOT to be prepared because I love having extras and all I need – just in case.

But we spend so much time preparing for the what if’s the fearful world presents to us that we forget about the most important “what if”.

What if Jesus comes back tomorrow?

What if the world ends suddenly?

What if I take my last breath without warning?

Let’s think about two more “what if” scenarios.

What if we go through life living for Jesus and we get to the end and heaven isn’t real? So be it.

But what if we go through life and DON’T follow Jesus and we get to the end and heaven IS real?

Where will you spend eternity?

Heaven is real.

Hell is real.

I believe it because the Bible says it.

What about you?

What if? ……

Does it freeze you and cause anxiety?

Or does it fuel you to live for Jesus?

I hope it fuels you!

Jesus is real.

He loves you.

And He wants to be your friend.

(*And that, folks, is my soapbox post for the day. ❤️)