Ready. Set. Go!

The boom of the cap gun sounds signaling the start of the relay.
Hearts are pounding.
Spikes are piercing blacktop.
Arms are pumping.
Breaths are pulsing.


The code word for the handoff of the baton from runner to runner as each push their hardest to contribute to their leg of the race.

Our daughter’s relay team set the school record when she was in junior high (her name is actually spelled wrong on the award in the picture but that’s okay 🙂 ).  It has since been broken several times but it was a wonderful moment in time to know the team worked together, each running their part of the relay and then passing the baton to the next teammate for a successful finish.

Our life is the same way.  God calls us to do certain things and then He says, “now hand it off to me and let me do my part.”  Doing our part may take a lot of work.  Our heart may pound out of our chest and we may think we are losing air in our lungs, but if we do what He tells us to do, then we’ve done our part.

In the relay race, we wouldn’t run our leg of the race and then tell our teammate to move out of the way and we will run their part.  No.  We would pass the baton to them to do their part.

That’s what Jesus wants from us.  Do our part then pass the baton to Him.

I Peter 5:7 – Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

What baton do you need to let go of today?  What leg of the race have you done your part and it’s now time to turn it over to the Lord and wait patiently as He finishes the race for you?  Whatever it is, just yell “PASS” and give up the baton.  He’s waiting with arms stretched out.