I have this Peace sign set up for Christmas next to the Santa my mother-in-law made years ago.

The Santa always brings a smile to my face as I remember her.

The PEACE sign was purchased years ago because I thought it was cool and the word just brings …..well…. Peace.

But this morning it took on a new meaning as I read my devotion from Jesus Calling:

(It is written as if Jesus were speaking).

“You need My Peace each moment to accomplish My purposes in your life. Sometimes you’re attempted to take shortcuts in order to reach your goal as quickly as possible. But if the shortcut requires turning your back on My Peaceful presence, you must choose the longer route. Walk with me along paths of Peace; enjoy the journey in my presence.”

How many times am I tempted to hurry through my quiet time to go exercise or get housework done before starting my work day?


Peace comes from spending time with the One who makes “Peace” in our lives.

The world is chaos.

Jesus is Peace.

Let’s start our days by not turning our backs on Jesus but rather taking the time to enjoy the path of Peace laid out for us especially by Him.