Sometimes it’s hard to be at work all day when you have other things you would rather be doing. Sometimes it’s hard to be at work when it’s nice and warm outside. Sometimes it’s hard to be at work when your friends are teachers and have the summers off; when you would rather be anywhere doing anything else.
But here’s the deal. If you work outside of the home, you were hired to do a job. If you are a stay-at-home worker, you have responsibilities as well. It’s important to fulfill that responsibility no matter if you want to be there or not. So we need to find some way to make the most of the work day and have some fun while doing it.
So let’s take “The Butcher, The Baker and The Candlestick Maker” approach.
Some days we can enter our day as The Butcher. The Butcher is someone who can chop up and cut the negativity. Sometimes we need to be The Butcher. We can be the positive one and try to counteract the negative attitudes of others with our positive attitude.
Some days we may wish to be The Baker – the one who brings a smile to a mundane workplace. Think about how you feel going into a bakery. Usually just the display cases of bright icing on sugar cookies and cupcakes alone can bring a smile to one’s face. What if you were The Baker for your workplace bringing smiles to everyone’s face? Bringing cupcakes in couldn’t hurt either!
Other days you may choose to be The Candlestick Maker; someone who brings light. The Candlestick Maker lights up a room when they walk into a boring meeting. You could be that person who smiles all day and is in such a good mood that your positive light and attitude become infectious.
We have a responsibility to get our work done but no one said it has to be boring. Let’s put a little nursery rhyme into the boring work day. Choose which one you’ll be today – The Butcher, The Baker or The Candlestick Maker! People can’t help but smile when they eat sugar cookies by candlelight!