The day before…
a bride’s wedding
a mom’s scheduled C-section
a child’s first day of kindergarten
a teenager gets his license
a son goes to boot camp
a daughter goes to college
a spouse walks out
a parent has a stroke
a husband has a heartache
a woman hears “it’s cancer”
a tragic accident
a lost job
a sudden death
The day before an event is one we usually want to experience again. If the event is planned we may enjoy the day before more. We may hold each moment close to our heart. If the event is unplanned we may wish to go back to the day before. Some of the “day befores” we can recall and some we cannot. But whether we know it or not, the day before is special.
Then the “event”.
And life goes on.
We don’t know what tomorrow holds so enjoy the moments of today. Relish the good times. Pray through the tough times. Squeeze the ones you love and forgive the ones you think you don’t. Because we never know when today may be the day before life goes on.