As the United States prepares for the inauguration of a new president, undoubtedly the media begins asking “what are your plans for the first 100 days in office?” The new president and his staff come in with a plan.
Teachers also have a First 100 Days plan. And then as the end of those days approach, the kids begin celebrating the first 100 days of school. I remember my kids had to bring in some show and tell display that included 100 items. One year my daughter took in a collage of 100 pictures displayed “artistically” on a poster board. One year my other daughter took in 100 pennies hot glued in the shape of “100” on a board. I’ve seen kids bring in 100 Legos®, 100 pop lids and 100 rubber bands.
As the new year approaches, we begin thinking of what goals we will set for the new year. I thought it would be neat to have my own “first 100 days” goal. Then last night I received an email from a company whose blog I follow in Australia suggesting the same thing. (I guess my idea wasn’t so unique after all!) So I began plotting my first 100 days goals.
They suggest focusing on one thing: health goal, business goal, organizing 3 rooms versus the whole house goal or something like that rather than trying to cram too much into your first 100 days.
They also suggest focusing on something you avoid. For me that is health and exercise. The goal for the first 100 days is to accomplish something big yet doable and get yourself started on the right foot for the new year.
My challenge for you today is to think of The First 100 Days of 2017 and what you would like to accomplish – only one area. Don’t get too overachieving but make it challenging, too. Don’t let the naysayers stop you, but rather be the leader of your own inauguration into an exciting life.
What do you want to accomplish in your First 100 Days? Read the Bible each day? Spend at least 5 minutes in prayer every day? Read the entire New Testament? Read the book of Psalms? Do 100 acts of kindness? Give up chocolate? Start exercising?
Whatever you do, ask God to help you with your plan and then to help you with your execution. I am going to try to walk at least 15 minutes every day for the first 100 days of 2017 and hopefully create a habit, see some weight loss and begin my journey to a healthier Deanna.
I’d love to hear your goal for the first 100 days of 2017. You can email me at [email protected] or leave a comment. Happy First 100 Days!
Colossians 3:17 – And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.