Three seconds.
Pass Interference.


I’ve seen a lot of different ones in my days.
I’ve done my share of yelling at them; thanking them; pointing out their flaws; and complimenting them.

Yes, I was mad at them when they didn’t do it the way I thought they should and happy with them when it went as I had planned.

It sounds a lot like life.  When Jesus allows things to go the way I like, then I am thankful and happy.  When things don’t go along with my plan, then I am angry and disappointed.

Just like the referee has control of the calls of the game, Jesus has control of our life.  Yes we have our own free will to make our own choices, but if they go outside of God’s rules, He can throw a flag and blow a whistle to bring things back to His plan and for His glory.

I’m embarrassed at the times I’ve yelled at referees for not calling the game the way I thought it should be called.  And at times, I admit I’ve been angry at God for not giving me my way in life.

The difference there is that the referees don’t want to hear from me.  🙂  God does.  God can take it. He loves us.  He makes the right calls for us and He knows best.

And whether the referees were right or wrong, it’s not really the biggest thing in life.  But Jesus’s way of right IS the biggest thing in life.  He’s not playing a game and the stripes He wore were not on a shirt.

Thankfully He was bigger than death and came out of the grave with victory over sin.  And He lives today.

I want to be a part of that team.  I want to trust the One who makes all things new.  I want to trust the One who makes all things works for the good for those who love Him.  I want to trust the One who will usher me into victory as I breathe my last breath.

It’s not a game.  And He doesn’t really blow a whistle.  But He did wear the stripes and He does determine the outcome of our actions.  Won’t you join the winning team by choosing Jesus today?

Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.