That is the take-away today and the encouragement we need every day. There is hope.

Things seem crazy right now. But don’t give in to worry.  We have something much stronger than the negatives.  We have the power of HOPE.

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  2 Corinthians 10:4.

Yes, if you know Jesus you know the One who can demolish strongholds!  When we focus on the darkness in our country today, we tend to get scared.  That’s exactly what the devil wants but we must not forget that the power of God is a divine power to demolish strongholds that cause people to act out in negative ways.

We have the power of prayer to access the One who is stronger than any one or any thing in this universe.  We must stand firm against the devil’s schemes.  The dirty, rotten, little scoundrel’s schemes.

Let’s pray to the Almighty God and ask Him to demolish the strongholds that are bringing darkness to our lives and to our world.

And now let us stand up tall.  Put a smile on our face knowing that we have HOPE because we know the One who provides it.

And besides that, with Jesus, we win in the end!!  Take that, you little weasel.

You know….I feel better already.  🙂