Yesterday we went to church with Roger’s cousins and at the end of the service, they sang the song “Through It All”. The words go something like this: “Through it all. Through it all. I’ve learned to trust in Jesus. I’ve learned to trust in God. Through it all. Through it all. I’ve learned to depend upon His word.”
I had that chorus stuck in my head all day yesterday………. And all day today – as we await some word on a CT scan for a family member. I long for a life of no troubles. I long for a life of no worry. But God tells us in His word as He was talking to the disciples in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We are going to have trouble. There’s no way around it. We live in a fallen world. But God has overcome this fallen world!!! James 1:2 tells us to consider it joy when we face trials because the testing of faith develops perseverance and perseverance must finish its work so that we can have peace!
As I was doing my daily reading this morning, one of the verses was Psalm 112:7 – “He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord.” Next to that verse I had written a date as a reminder of something I had gone through a year ago and God revealed this verse to me. It gave me peace. So I went to write the date today as a reminder that God revealed His promise to me comforting me no matter the outcome of the CT scan AND ……….the date I wrote last year was the same exact date as today! The exact same date – January 26, 2014 and January 26, 2015. God got me through the trial on January 26, 2014 and He will get us through this time.
Boy…………my God is awesome and has overcome the world!! He already knows. I can trust Him through it all! If you are struggling today, read the verses listed above, go online and listen to the chorus by Bill & Gloria Gaither. God is on the throne, my friends………….Through It All!!