Before I talk about today’s kindness challenge, I just have to share with you about yesterday’s challenge which was to SMILE at someone. I was filling up my car with gasoline when one of the workers was emptying all of the garbage cans. He was an older man and kept his head down. When he came close to the trash can by my car, I said “Good Morning”. He repeated the greeting but did not look up immediately. But I smiled just appreciating his response and then in a few seconds the most beautiful thing happened……..he looked up – straight at me……..and SMILED the biggest smile! Then went back to doing his job. It started my day out great! God is good!
I think of the song “Twelve Days of Christmas” and Day 5 was “Five Golden Rings.” Sing it with me – loud – FIVE G-O-L-D-E-N RINGS”!
My friend and I were Christmas caroling the other night with her kids and a few other children and they wanted to sing the long, drawn out Twelve Days of Christmas song and we couldn’t remember all of the days and what they stood for. So we started making things up about the Twelve Candies of Christmas and day 5 was “Five M&M’s”.
Five M&M’s.
Four Kit Kat bars.
Three Almond Joys.
Two Reese Cups.
And a Big Fat Chocolate Hershey bar!!!!!
On Day Five of the Twelve Days of Christmas Kindness Challenge – grab some Christmas candy (maybe some delicious Reese trees) and give them out to someone who needs a little pick me up.
Maybe the gas station attendant.
Maybe your waitress.
Maybe the receptionist at your work place.
Maybe the secretary at church.
Maybe your child’s teacher.
And then you can sing about the Twelve Candies of Christmas Kindness all day long! (Probably because you can’t get the song out of your head now! hahahha)
Hope your day is a chocolate-fun-filled-day of kindness!