I saw a truck on the interstate that was advertising the company services of restoration of homes from water damage, mold, fire and smoke damage. The company’s slogan was WE FIX DISASTERS! How awful it would be to have water damage from a flood or a major leak! How terrible would it be to have smoke damage from a fire and have to try to get rid of that smell and clean up that massive mess?
I love to clean and organize but those kind of major messes would have to be turned over to a professional.
We have all kinds of messes in our lives, too. We mess up every day. Some of the messes we clean up ourselves. Others need a professional. God is that professional that is just waiting patiently for you to give Him a call so He can come and get started on cleaning up the messes.
The only cost is your life……….not in a bad way………but in a good way – surrender to Him and live for Him showing Him daily how much we appreciate all the work He does for us. It’s so much easier to let Him come in and clean things up than trying to do it ourselves. Call the professional today………..He wants to start FIXING THE DISASTERS!
Proverbs 3:5-6 –“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”