I don’t really like making decisions of where to eat or what to do for fun if I am making it to include other people. I guess I worry too much about not making someone happy.
Even my husband will say, “You decide where we eat”.
I just don’t like to.
We were preparing a special night out with friends, deciding where to eat our nice meal, where to have dessert and what to do after our eating adventure was complete.
In my mind I had an idea….I offered it up along with a few other ideas. But I really wanted them to pick.
When the role is reversed and I want someone else to pick, I get frustrated when they won’t make a decision.
Not fair. I know!!
I think God is the same way with us sometimes.
He gives us blessings.
Shows us the coolest things from sunrises, sunsets, beaches and mountains, to newborn babies and wobbly-legged calves trying to stand for the first time in a beautiful green field of pasture.
We pray to Him when we need something. We ask Him for blessings and favors.
But then we keep living and making decisions contrary to Him and living for ways of the world.
Elijah told the people in I Kings who were worshiping idols, like Baal and things of the world, to knock if off and make a decision! He was so frustrated with the people not following God.
“If (you believe) the Lord is God, then follow Him, but if (you believe) Baal is god then follow him.”
In other words, get off your tooshie and make a decision!! You can’t have it both ways.
You can’t follow God and ask Him for things and then turn around and live for the devil each day.
The decision is bigger than restaurant choices and having ice cream or cake for dessert.
This is LIFE.
If you believe God is God, then follow Him.
If you believe the world has something better and you follow it, God will be heartbroken.
But you can’t do both.
Make a decision. Before it’s too late.
One that will give eternal life in heaven.
Spoiler alert: shhhhhhhhhh – Pick God.
Believe me, life with God and eternity in heaven is a waaaaaayyyyyy better decision.