About a year ago I felt God telling me to bring Natalie Grant to our little town.  Not just have a Christian concert… but bring Natalie Grant to town.  I remember thinking, “this cannot be what God wants.  It’s just too big.”  I ignored it.  A few months later, I felt it again.  Only this time there were signs everywhere and pieces to the puzzle falling into place.  I will never forget driving down the road turning on the radio to put Natalie’s CD in and she was singing ON THE RADIO.  It happened twice in one day and I said “OK, Lord.  Nothing’s too big for YOU.  I don’t understand how but I will do it.”   As I said… pieces of the puzzle fell into place.  We partnered with Hopewell Baptist Church in Holton, IN.

It was not easy.  The devil had a hay day at times.  But because we felt this was God leading us we chose to never give up… even on days it seemed impossible.  Proverbs 3:5-6 has been my go-to verse all year:  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge [or submit to] Him and He will make your paths straight.”

Thank you, Lord for all the ways we saw You work through this whole process from the beginning and still seeing it today!  God is good… even when we don’t understand!

Thank you to my friends for all your help!!


The Lord brought Natalie Grant to Indiana and I am so thankful that He did!

Natalie & Women's Ministry Team3 laughNatalie & Women's Ministry Team4 good