How to Get Straight Through to Customer Service

How to Get Straight Through to Customer Service

Customer service.Yes.No.#. 1.Customer service, please.Customer service. Customer service! CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!!! Oh my goodness. Those auto answering teleprompter thingys drive me CRAZY!! I just want to talk to a real person. The other day I was trying to get to a real...
Join the Fun of Handling the Holidays with JOY!

Join the Fun of Handling the Holidays with JOY!

Hey, Friends!! Join me Monday, December 6 at 8:00 PM EST for a free one-hour session on Handling the Holidays with JOY. How do you join? You have two options:  Go to the private Facebook group, “Handling the Holidays with JOY”. Answer the 3 questions and request to...
What’s The Use?

What’s The Use?

Some days. How about you?  Are there just some days you feel like throwing in the towel and screaming “what’s the use?” Over the years, I’ve felt that way with picking up toddler toys, getting teenagers to stop rolling their eyes, making to-do...
What Have I Done?

What Have I Done?

I did a thing. A big thing. A hard thing. A brave thing. I threw away some M&M’s.  Yes I did! You see, I love M&M’s.  I love most anything chocolate.  But I’ve been feeling this pull to eat less.  I desperately want to lose weight before a...

Today we celebrate two very important groups of people who must have big hearts and tough skin to do their jobs. They are both equally tough positions, and they both require loving children. To all the teachers and all the foster parents, we appreciate you! Happy...
Let’s Fly!

Let’s Fly!

Cars lined up. Engines revving with every pump of the gas pedal. His hands are gripped to the leather of the steering wheel; sweat seeping between his fingers. The announcer comes over the loud speaker. “Ready. Set.” And then the sound of the starter...