I Corinthians 13 In Real Life.

I know it sounds cliché but I married my best friend. He is still my best friend. And I am so happy to celebrate 30 years of marriage today. Roger really has lived out 1 Corinthians 13 to me. Love is patient.  [Even when I am running late to church.] Love is kind. [To...

What A Great Day To Give!

I have always loved making a difference to people. I have always loved buckets of all kinds. I have always had a broken heart for children who suffer from cancer. So what do you get when you put it all together? BUCKET BUDDIES MISSION! Bucket Buddies is a 501(c)3...

Thank you, Nash & Hadley King for filling 50 buckets for Bucket Buddies Mission!  Also, thank you for donating the buckets to fill.  I had fun with you two silly kiddos.  Your heart for helping to make a difference to children in hospitals is awesome!  Thank you...

Happy 4th of July!

Today I celebrate my father-in-law, a veteran from the Korean war along with all those men and women who have, and are, serving in our military to give us the freedom we have in this great United States of America!!  

A Welcome Surprise!

Have you ever been shopping and just browsing and you find a great surprise of something that was calling your name?  Maybe it was something that was in the wrong spot or something that was in the right spot but you didn’t know you were looking for it and there...

Bucket Buddies Delivers 5,000th Bucket!

June 13, 2017 – Bucket Buddies Mission delivers its 5,000th bucket to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio!  We have been blessed beyond belief at the way God has opened the doors and allowed us to make a difference to so many children across...