I know it sounds cliché but I married my best friend.
He is still my best friend.
And I am so happy to celebrate 30 years of marriage today.

Roger really has lived out 1 Corinthians 13 to me.

Love is patient.  [Even when I am running late to church.]
Love is kind. [To always make sure vacations are memorable.  To spoil me beyond belief.  To support my missions and ministries.]
Love does not envy. [When I get a few days in Florida with our daughters and you couldn’t go.]
Love does not boast. [Even when you wanted to say “I told you so.”]
Love is not proud. [Even when our daughters choose you over me as the fun parent you didn’t rub it in my face.]
Love is not rude. [Even when you don’t really want to talk.]
Love is not self-seeking.  [Going somewhere with me even when I know you would rather be playing golf.]
Love is not easily angered. [You always listen to my rants, calm me down and make me laugh.]
Love keeps no record of wrongs. [And I’ve had to say I’m sorry many times.]
Love does not delight in evil, [You never reminded me of my wrongs.]
But rejoices with the truth.  [You always remind me God is in control.]
Loves always protects. [You make a safe environment for me.]
Love always trusts. [You always trust that God’s got it covered.]
Love always hopes. [You always help me look to the future for our hopes and dreams.]
Love always perseveres. [You have never ever given up on me or on our future because you remind me God works it all out for His good.]
Love never fails.  [No matter what, you are there beside me and reminding me of your love.]
And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love [faith in God, hope for a great future together and love for infinity and beyond].
And the greatest of these is LOVE.

Here’s to my knight in shining armor, my protector, my best friend and the absolute love of my life forever and ever.  Happy 30th Anniversary, Roger Young.  I loved you then.  I love you now.  And I will love you forever!