Hush It!

Ephesians 4:29 – do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. When I read this verse, it made me think about how sometimes I spat off...

Skip & Smile

I Thessalonians 5:16 – Be joyful always! The word JOY makes me happy.  It makes me want to skip! Do you remember skipping as a child?  Wasn’t that the funnest thing?  Not running.  Not walking.  But skipping.  It was simple.  It made me smile.  It is a...

What if we put down our signs?

Casting Crowns has a song titled “Jesus Friend of Sinners”.  I thought it was just another contemporary Christian song with a catchy little tune.  But then I really listened to the words and it struck a cord with me. The chorus and bridge are the words...

Choose the Monday Morning “Do’s”

It seems Mondays are the hardest days to get up and get going.  I’m sure it is because we’ve had some relaxation over the weekend and Mondays are the start of 5 days until another weekend. Friday night, Saturday and Sunday seem so far away. Hebrews 12:1(b)...

Kudos to Stephanie and Avery!

I want to share a blog that my friend, Stephanie Jones, wrote for Random Acts of Kindness. Stephanie does such a wonderful job of promoting random acts of kindness to others and also...