Ephesians 4:29 – do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

When I read this verse, it made me think about how sometimes I spat off things without thinking.  Sometimes people and things get on my nerves and I say something negative about these people or things that I shouldn’t say.  That is unwholesome talk.  We can debate all day about the definition of “unwholesome talk” but the part that brings it back into perspective is the second part of this verse that says we should only say things that are helpful for building others up and that may benefit those who listen.

Don’t repeat gossip – even if the “gossip” is true. If it serves no good purpose in building others up, then don’t repeat it.  The rule of thumb should be “does what I am about to say serve a good purpose or does it only harm someone or discourage someone who is listening?”  Usually gossip does not serve a good purpose.  It only harms others.  Asking ourselves these questions makes us think before we speak.

I always say “hush it” to people when I am joking around and want them to be quiet.   But those words – Hush It – are going to be my own filter for myself starting today to remember not to say anything negative about people or situations that could cause others to be discouraged.  When those negative thoughts come into my mind, I will just say “hush it” and filter my thoughts before saying something that is NOT helpful for building others up or that may NOT benefit those who listen.

Let’s work together to try to be positive people starting today.  Let’s use positive speech to build others up.  Let’s try to capture negative thoughts and make them positive.  It’s going to take some practice for me to do this and in the meantime I’m going to keep telling myself to HUSH IT until I get better at the filter.  I think I’m gonna need some help from a higher power.

God, get ready to tell me to “hush it” while you help me through this area in my life.  I want to say things that only build others up.