It seems Mondays are the hardest days to get up and get going.  I’m sure it is because we’ve had some relaxation over the weekend and Mondays are the start of 5 days until another weekend. Friday night, Saturday and Sunday seem so far away.

Hebrews 12:1(b) – let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Joel Osteen talks about the Monday morning blues in his book Everyday A Friday.  His words made me think about how the Monday morning blues tend to hinder me.  I wake up and am sad the weekend is over and am dreading getting into the race that the week ahead holds for me.  I’m not really sure why because I like my job and usually get plenty of rest on Sundays.  Then I realize that it is something in my attitude.  It’s not my job.  It’s not that I need more rest.  It’s that I need a better attitude.

I need to get up every morning and throw off whatever is causing me to have a bad attitude and look forward to the day that the Lord has marked out for me.  He has prepared the day and the race and he has prepared me for it all.  I need to get the right attitude and take on the challenge.

No more Monday morning blues, just the Monday morning “get up and do’s”!

Are you going to be a “blue” or a “do”?  Emoji