by Deanna Young | May 14, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
One down….four to go. I walked in my first 5K of the year! I have a goal to walk in five of them this year. I walk a lot so a 5K or (3.1 miles) is a challenge but certainly attainable. I put my earbuds in and took off. I didn’t care who passed me or...
by Deanna Young | May 11, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
The typical question of the day. What’s on your agenda? What do you have to do today? What’s on your to-do list? Mine usually consists of a myriad of things. If it’s a work day, it may include meetings, review of marketing documentation, filing...
by Deanna Young | May 9, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Today is my sweet friend, Linda Scott’s birthday. She would have been 77 years old. She went home to heaven a few months ago where she kicked osteoporosis to the curb and is now standing straight and I imagine, sharing stories with Billy Graham and Barbara...
by Deanna Young | May 8, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Have you ever said something in a tone that you really didn’t mean? Perhaps it was an aggressive or harsh tone but it was really meant to show your passion for something and not anger. Sometimes people take the tone the wrong way and feelings are hurt or...
by Deanna Young | May 2, 2018 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Whether it’s at grandma’s Sunday dinner or a prime spot in the theater, we want a good one. We want one with our friends or close to the stage at a concert. We want one on the front row of the play and on the 50-yard line at the football game. We choose...