One down….four to go.

I walked in my first 5K of the year!  I have a goal to walk in five of them this year.  I walk a lot so a 5K or (3.1 miles) is a challenge but certainly attainable.  I put my earbuds in and took off.  I didn’t care who passed me or what my time was.  I just wanted to walk this race, enjoy the beautiful day and be present in the moment.

There were a lot of people in this race.
Some were running.
Some were walking.
Some were struggling with bad knees and broken bones.
There were kids with funky colored hair.
Men, women and children.
Some older.  Some younger.
There were people pushing strollers and others pulling wagons.
Some wore headbands and some wore headphones.
I saw people wearing Nike, Adidas, Puma and Brooks.
I saw people slow down to walk with those who were struggling.
And I saw those who had reached the end turn around and come back to help those who were behind.

There were signs along the way.
“You are stronger than you think.”
“Kind Heart. Fierce Mind. Brave Spirit.”
“Don’t Give Up. Believe. Keep Going.”
“I Can and I Will.”
“Keep It Up.”

When we got close to the finish line, people were lined up cheering the participants on with pom poms and air horns.  There was a big  “You Are A Superstar” banner announcing the finish line.  Spectators were snapping pictures and encouraging people to “finish strong.”

Oh how sweet it was to finish my first race of the year.

It made me think.  How am I doing in life’s race?

Hebrews 12:1-2 says to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Each day I get up and pray and asked for forgiveness and try to throw off sin.  I set out thinking today is going to be better.  I enjoy the scenery, am present in the moment and then the devil pulls me off course.  But God is standing there along the way showing me signs that I can do it.  He tells me that I am stronger than I think I am with His help.

I realized during this race that we are all in this together.  We are all going through life – all different make ups, personalities, paces and ages – with the same goal.  Heaven is my goal but more importantly, that when I get there, I hope God will be holding a big pink sign that says “well done, good and faithful servant”.

Life is hard.  Obstacles get in our way.  The devil tries to make us think we can’t do it.  But God is running right beside us and carries us when we are weak.

Don’t give up.  Don’t give in.  Believe.  Keep Going.

We can do this, friends.  Let’s run life’s race together stopping to help others along the way, sharing encouraging words of faith and God’s words of truth and keep on praying.

It’s not about how fast we get there but rather how well we run the race.  You ARE God’s SuperStar!