by Deanna Young | Feb 11, 2019 | devotional, Helping Hands, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
It’s one of my favorite weeks of the year…Random Acts of Kindness Week! Today we get to deliver buckets to Riley Children’s Hospital in Carmel and West Lafayette locations. I love, love, love doing things to make a difference to other people...
by Deanna Young | Feb 8, 2019 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
I’ve had a case of the blues lately. Wintertime always brings the blahs, and for me, some additional “hibernation” weight which in turn brings me down. Then add the cold weather and short days here in Indiana and it is just a formula for some...
by Deanna Young | Feb 4, 2019 | devotional, Hopeful Hearts, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
OUCH! The prick of a cactus can draw blood in one touch of those nasty, little, sharp edges. They are dry and hard and prickly. (I don’t know if that’s really a word but that’s the word that comes to my mind. Prickly.) On our recent trip to...
by Deanna Young | Jan 27, 2019 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Today my mind is focused on the pollution on TV. Most every channel has something on it that is not good. Our society is running crazy with all kinds of evil and wickedness. The devil is having a “hay day”. So many shows on television are now showing new ways to...
by Deanna Young | Jan 25, 2019 | devotional, Hopeful Hearts, inspirational, motivational
Do you know the story of Joseph and his brothers? Joseph’s brothers were very jealous of him and they plotted to kill him, take the special coat his father gave him, dip it in blood, and tell their father a wild animal had attacked him. But Reuben, one of the...
by Deanna Young | Jan 23, 2019 | devotional, inspirational, motivational, spiritual
Another thing that keeps me from moving forward is my mind. You know the thoughts in the attic of my body? The brain. The squishy thing that allows us to function. Yep. That’s right. The devil gets in my mind and makes me think all kinds of negative...