I’ve had a case of the blues lately.  Wintertime always brings the blahs, and for me, some additional “hibernation” weight which in turn brings me down.  Then add the cold weather and short days here in Indiana and it is just a formula for some pretty down days.

I listened to a podcast about feeling negative and trying to find the root of my negativity.  And for me it came down to people’s lack of respect.

That’s it.  Lack of respect.

And it bugs me and brings me down.

I see people disrespect their bosses.
I see people disrespect other coworkers.
I see people disrespect their company.
I see people disrespect life.
I see people disrespect our government.
I see people disrespect our elected politicians.
I see people disrespect the elderly.
I see people disrespect our military.
I see people disrespect our flag.
I see people disrespect our churches.
And it all boils down to disrespecting our God.

And then boom.  The devil has us right where he wants us.  Feeling hopeless.  Helpless.  Tired.

No way.  I’m not falling for it.  Disrespect and lying are two of the things that tick me off the most.  I don’t get involved in controversial arguing.  I try to stay out of it.  But disrespect of my God sends me over the edge.  It’s time I stand up against the devil and his disrespect of our God.  And it’s time Christians stand together and say, “Hey.  A little respect here”.  Not for our glory and arrogance but for God and His ways.

God is going to do it His way and He will be glorified either way.  So kick the devil and his disrespect to the pit and choose respect for God and His ways.

WOW!  I’m feeling better already!  🙂