NO REGRETS! I just saw a picture of a tattoo that went all the way down a persons’ arm that said “NO REGRETS”. When I think about that saying, I think about no limits and not being afraid and working to accomplish my dreams. I think about looking at...

Greener Grass is Right Under Your Feet

Too many people are thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when they ought to just water the grass they are standing on. – Amar Dave This reminds me of the devotion I read today regarding being thankful. It seems like sometimes we are...

Reach UP and Bend DOWN

Peyton Manning is by far my favorite NFL player – not only because he is the best quarterback of all time but also because he is such an outstanding person.  He recently spoke at the graduation ceremony at University of Virginia. In his speech, he challenged the...

50 Years of Kindness ….. To Your Family

Yesterday was my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary!  Fifty years of marriage is a long time and it hasn’t always been easy but they are stronger than ever in their marriage after 50 years. The secret is to keep Christ in the center of your marriage.  But...

Get up and Kick Yourself Back in Gear

You must take personal responsibility.  You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. – Jim Rohn This saying was exactly what I needed today.  I’ve gotten off course with who I am.  I used to “have it all...