NO REGRETS! I just saw a picture of a tattoo that went all the way down a persons’ arm that said “NO REGRETS”. When I think about that saying, I think about no limits and not being afraid and working to accomplish my dreams. I think about looking at opportunities given to me and taking them and trying new things and being free-spirited and happy. I think about having one chance to do something and taking that chance. I think about my age and doing all that I can do while I’m healthy and younger. No Regrets – that was the saying of our dear friend Emily Huntington. She was 17 years old when she was tragically killed in a car accident while texting and driving. She was my daughter’s friend and our family loved her. She lived life to the fullest. She was free-spirited and left no stone unturned. She enjoyed life.

I want to also enjoy life and be free-spirited and not worry about the silly things. I want to have no regrets. And along with all the things I listed above I feel I need to look spiritually as well to accomplish the NO REGRETS attitude. God wants us to be happy and not worry. He tells us in Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry. Jesus says “who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Why spend time worrying? God’s got it all under control. Don’t waste time on worry. NO REGRETS. No worry. God’s got this.

Instead, let’s shoot for NO REGRETS to tell about and show others the love of Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 says to go out and tell people about Christ and spread and word and baptize them. When you get an opportunity to share the love of Christ with others both through word and deed, do it. Don’t analyze over it and think about it and say maybe I’ll do it tomorrow. NO REGRETS!! Do it today. When God brings someone to your mind that you need to share with either in word or deed, do it. Yesterday God brought an old friend to mind that I don’t see much but I knew her father had been sick. I hadn’t talked to her since April. I emailed her last night and found out her father passed away in California on Monday night and she and I were both amazed how God put her on my mind at just the right time. I’m so glad I took that nudging to email her. We are meeting for dinner soon.

Today God has put someone on my heart to make a meal for. I need to do that. God knows exactly who needs what at just the right time and we are blessed to be able to be used by Him to help others in both physical and spiritual ways to help others see Him through us.

Who is on your mind today? Call them. Send them a card. Send them an email. Make a meal. Take them dessert. Meet them for coffee. God has placed them on your mind for a reason. Don’t lose an opportunity to share with someone. Act today. NO REGRETS!