The Ship is Safe in the Harbor

The ship is safe in the harbor.  But ships weren’t meant to stay in the harbor. We feel safe when we are in comfortable surroundings – like the ship in the harbor.  We feel safe when we are at church.  We feel safe when we are around our Christian...

Relax in the Rain

Last night I was driving home in the storm and I could not see clearly at all.  The lines on the road were invisible.  The rain was pounding on my windshield and the wipers were washing as fast as the motor would allow but they were not able to keep up.  The road was...

Average is Average.

I saw a commercial last night that caught both my attention and my daughter’s attention.  At the end of it, we both said, “that was g-o-o-o-o-d!” It was for GNC stores but it drove home the point that you don’t want to be average.  The slogan...

Relax and Enjoy a Cherry Coke

My last post in the RELAX series is about physical rest.  In today’s society of fast food, drive thru-pharmacies, 24-hour ATM machines, microwaves and social media, our mind and bodies are constantly on the go, leaving no time for rest. People are plugged into...

RELAX……….God’s Got This

How do we RELAX and not worry?  This is a big one.  I am doing a Bible study right now titled “Overcoming Worry”.  There are so many things in this study that I have identified with.  But I also see that I have grown while not only doing this study but by...

RELAX and Enjoy the Dash

I told you in my previous post that I chose the word RELAX for my “word for 2014”!  There is just something peaceful about the word RELAX.  When I say the word it tends to slow me down; it makes me stop worrying and focus on turning everything over to God...