As I was driving today I noticed the crops changing – corn turning brown and leaves falling off of the soybeans.  Then I noticed peaks of orange and red poking through the trees giving us a hint of autumn.

It made me think about all the changes going on in our lives right now.  The change in the crops and leaves are an inevitable part of autumn and harvest – just like the changes throughout our lifetime. 

Some people don’t like change.  They are happy with things being the exact same way they are today.  But if we never have change, we cannot grow.  If we don’t grow we will never know the true extent of what all we can be and can accomplish!  

We have to experience pain to understand happiness.  We have to experience trials to learn to trust God.  We have to experience change to truly get out of our comfort zone and grow.

God wants us to be all that we can be for Him and for His purpose.  We wouldn’t want the crops to stay green all the time and never be able to harvest them.  We wouldn’t want there to be snow and ice on the ground for 12 months of the year.  We wouldn’t want to stay young and never experience life past elementary school!  Change is inevitable and God is right there helping us to embrace the change.

But the good news is that God does NOT change.  James 1:17 tells us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Let’s vow today to look at change as an inevitable experience that allows God to grow us into the person He wants us to be!  We know it works because God NEVER CHANGES and He knows what we need.  Let’s learn from the “never-changing” One how to “embrace change” to become a “forever changed” child of the King!