I’m back.
It’s time.
Back from a pretty deep pit.

I know I haven’t written for a while and have been pretty much absent from social media all together.

But I believe God has restored me.  Actually, this morning, I almost felt as if He was being a cheerleader, deep down in my spirit, saying “you can do this.  Get in there and write again.  I believe in you.”

The last six months or so have just been tough.  My father-in-law passed away.  My oldest daughter became a Michigan resident.  My youngest daughter moved to Texas to start her career.  I lost two wonderful friends – one to cancer and one to ALS.

My job was very stressful.  My husband farms and with the weather…well enough said about that.

The devil was having a hay day with my emotions. There were some days I could hardly get out of bed.  Other days I don’t even know how I drove to work or functioned.  My house went from clean and organized to piles of papers and just doing the next thing – whatever had to be done.

I let my enjoyment for fashion-fun slip to the wayside and I just looked for anything in the closet to wear to work.  I felt unworthy to speak or write.

But in true “God fashion”, He kept giving me speaking opportunities.  More than I have ever had.  Several a month.  And what that did was keep me focused on Him.  It kept me writing my talks.  It kept me in the Word.  It kept my worship going.  It kept Him in front of me.

He knew He had to keep me going.  It was during preparation for those speaking engagements that He showed me who He was.  I never dreaded speaking at an event.  I get so excited when I get those opportunities.  I somehow always had energy for doing His work.  And for that I am so so thankful.   God is so much smarter than satan.  ????

I tell you all of this not because I want pity but because I want you to know that everyone struggles.  It seems the harder we try to live for Jesus, the harder the devil tries to keep us from it.

I Peter 5:8-9 – Be self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

I allowed him to get in my head and take away my desire to write.  God called me to do it.  It’s time I put on my “Big Girl” pants and get back to doing what I’m called to do.   Through Christian friends, faith, prayer, staying in the Word and some holistic techniques and counseling, I have overcome!!

Romans 16:20 says “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet”.  And crushed he is.

If you are going through struggles, just know that the devil wants you to stay down but God wants to lift you up.  I Peter 5:7 – Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.  Cry out to Jesus.  He is a Savior.  He is King.  He is real.  He is comfort. He is God.

Crawl out of the devil’s pit and into God’s light.

It’s time.