Last night during the storm, my husband got up and looked out the window to make sure the electricity was on at our hog buildings up the road.  We rent those buildings out and wanted to make sure the fans were still operating.  Our home had electricity.  Every other house up and down the highway as far as we could see had lights on.  Ours farm buildings appeared to be the only one without light.

Roger went to assess the situation and open the doors so the animals could get air flow.  We had to call the electric company to restore our power.  The person I talked to at the power company was very kind; listened to my situation; and promised to file the report immediately and update me on the progress.  She told me she appreciated our call and our patience.  A little while later, we received the call that the power was back on and the lights were shining brightly.

Has your light for life gone dim or gone out completely?  Do you feel like you are barely breathing and you need air?  Does everyone else around you seem to be burning brightly for the Lord and you can’t seem to get back to where you once were with the light in your life?

Call upon the One who is in charge – the One who has the power.  Jesus is right there just waiting to listen to your situation and love you through it.  He will go straight to the Father and begin to restore your light.  It may not happen instantly, but be patient.  Keep going to the Bible for direction.  Listen to your pastor for words of encouragement.  Pray continuously and pretty soon, you will notice your light has been restored.

But when the storms come, you have to stay strong.  Keep praying.  Keep believing.  Cling to the promises in the Bible.  Show love and be patient.  God is in control of all power.  Let Him restore your power so your light will keep on shining!!

Isaiah 2:5(b) – Let us walk in the light of the Lord.