Have you ever had someone ask you for a favor because you have the connection they needed?  Or maybe you were the one asking the favor to get access to the connection.

For instance, I may have a connection to someone in the Human Resources department at my company and someone asks me to put in a good word for them as they apply for a particular job.

It could be something simple like needing to know who to call to rent the local civic center or who to ask for tips on putting tile in your bathroom.

We are constantly looking for someone who has a connection to help us through life.  (And I’m not talking about the “Lori Loughlin style” or immoral connections!  🙂  )

It is always a privilege to pray for others.  Today I had a request from a very special friend to pray for something that I don’t get asked to pray for often.  It is a very important event in her family’s life that is going to cause them to have to relive heartache.  I don’t get to talk to her much anymore as life is busy but that friendship will last forever.  I was so honored that she text me to pray for them today.

I’m not any closer to God than she is but she asked me to use my connection with the Heavenly Father to bring a petition on behalf of their family.  I couldn’t get to my knees fast enough.  It is a privilege that we have in our lives, in this country, to be able to worship God.  No matter what happens, no one can take prayer away from us.

If it’s physically not allowed where we are, no problem.  We can have the conversation silently in our heart, our spirit, with the One who created every last thing in this entire universe.

Yes, it is who you know.  And I am beyond honored to say I know the most important person in the world.  Jesus.  I hope you have that connection, too.  But if you ever need to ask me to connect the two of you, just let me know.  It would be my honor.