As spring approaches, we begin thinking about gardening – flowers, vegetables or herbs.  The biggest stress with gardening is the weeds.  We spend so much time weeding our gardens.  But when the weeds are gone, it is beautiful.  We admire our flowers.  We enjoy watching the plants produce the vegetables and the herbs flourish.

I think of our life as a Garden.  God has given us this beautiful garden of life.  He is there to take care of it for us but we keep filling it with weeds.  Weeds of worry!  We try to control situations because we worry God isn’t going to handle it properly.  As our loved ones travel, or work situations seem bleak, or illness strikes our friends, we worry because these situations are not in our control.

We worry what people think of us – how we dress, how we talk, how we think.  We worry that what happened to someone else will happen to us.  We worry that God will turn His back on us and stop loving us.

It’s time to get out the RoundUp® products and KILL THE WEEDS OF WORRY!

God put Adam and Eve in the most beautiful garden ever.  He gave them everything they wanted.  There was no need for worry.  And then Satan came into the picture.  He ruins everything!!  It is no different today.  God has a beautiful life set up for you.  He loves you.  He forgives you.  He knows everything about you.  He is just waiting for you to trust Him.  We need to have faith that He is what He says He is and that He is in control.

Worry and Faith are not compatible.  They are opposites.  It’s time to put on the rubber gloves, get out the tools and KILL THE WEEDS OF WORRY!  I guarantee you will enjoy your beautiful Garden of Faith!  Happy Gardening!!