Cars lined up.
Engines revving with every pump of the gas pedal.
His hands are gripped to the leather of the steering wheel; sweat seeping between his fingers.

The announcer comes over the loud speaker.
“Ready. Set.”
And then the sound of the starter pistol.

They’re off.  At speeds so fast it vibrates the cheeks of the drivers.

But not his.
He believes he has the slow car.  He didn’t realize his car had a super power under the hood.  He was playing it safe.  “Driving 35 with a rocket inside because he didn’t know what he had.”

That’s a line from Mercy Me’s newest song “Say I Won’t”.  It’s basically about not living life to the fullest because the devil makes us believe we can’t when really we can.  He makes us believe we aren’t enough when Jesus says we are enough!  He makes us think we can only go 35 when in reality we’ve got the rocket Spirit of God inside helping us live life to the fullest.

The song goes on to say, “While I’ve been waiting to live, My life’s been waiting on me.”
I don’t want to wait to live life anymore.  I’m tired of worrying about tomorrow and wondering what could have been yesterday.  I’m taking this song to heart.


Chorus:  “I’m gonna run
No, I’m gonna fly
I’m gonna know what it means to live
And not just be alive
The world’s gonna hear
‘Cause I’m gonna shout
And I will be dancing when circumstances drown the music out
Say I won’t.”

I dare you, devil.  Say I won’t.  Because I will!

Let today be the day we start to live for Jesus.  Look for JOY.  Look for blessings.  Look for ways to share what He has done for you.  Don’t mope.  Don’t pout.  Don’t be lazy.  LIVE.

It’s time.  Don’t let anyone say you won’t.  Kick the devil to the curb and let’s start living life with purpose.  No reason to worry when we let God lead the way!

I’m going to.  What about you?

Come on.  Get in.  We’re gonna fly!